

Headquartered in Belgium, Option specializes in wireless IoT solutions enabling Machine to Machine (M2M) communication.
With more than 25 years of experience and many industry firsts, the Company is ideally positioned to offer efficient, reliable and secure IoT solutions across a variety of industries and applications.
Option partners with system integrators, value added resellers, application platform providers, value added distributors and network operators to bring tailor-made solutions to customers around the world.

Option Engineering Services

Option backs its advanced CloudGate IoT solution platform with an extensive engineering consultancy capable of helping you succeed. Our talent and experience have proven extremely effective in helping companies effectively and efficiently develop products.

We work with organizations which seek to leverage our years of specialized wireless communications experience to speed time-to-market, reduce risk and proactively avoid product design and development pitfalls.

Option’s Engineering Services and our in-house and state-of-the-art OptionLab, are here to help you recognize and capitalize on market opportunities. From early stage product feasibility assessments, to final product manufacturing, our Engineering Services can support your full range of needs.

For more information, consult www.engineering.option.com

+ Option in the community

Option supports socio-economic projects both in and outside the company walls. Candidates for support are carefully selected following thorough evaluation of both the ambitions and the technological and innovative qualities of the project.

+ Business Ethics

Option® is mindful of its responsibility to behave in an ethical manner in the course of pursuing its business goals, and the company, including all its subsidiaries, affiliates and/or consolidated holdings, is committed to the following practices:

We will not invest in any of the following areas:

  • marketing, development or production of nuclear, chemical or biological weapons
  • marketing, development or production of weapons of war or other armaments
  • marketing, development or production of products involving animal fur or animal testing
  • production of strategic parts of weapon systems of any kind
  • marketing, development or production of pornography or products from the sex, hard drugs or tobacco industry

We will not engage in any of the following activities:

  • use of children under the legal age for employment
  • use of forced, bonded or compulsory labour

We will not discriminate against our employees in any of the following areas:

  • on the grounds of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, religion, political opinion, age or nationality
  • on the grounds of pregnancy or maternity leave

We will put into place checks, controls and procedures to ensure all our suppliers and sub-contractors:

  • have ethical standards that do not compromise any of the above
  • have checks, controls and procedures that ensure their suppliers or sub-contractors do not compromise any of the above

Prevention of Corruption
We will include in our distribution and supply agreements anti-bribery standard clauses. Our employment policies outline measures that can and will be taken in order to prevent corruption. Option®, as a public company and a member of the ETHIBEL Sustainability index, respects the Corporate Governance rules.

+ Environmental responsibility

Throughout its operations, defined as “the sourcing, manufacture and supply of wireless communication products and solutions”, Option® recognizes its environmental responsibilities to its staff, shareholders, customers and the general public. To this end we are committed to a continual improvement in the operating environment of our facilities. We maintain and document an Environmental Management System conforming to: ISO 14001: 1996, and take into account all relevant regulatory and legislative requirements, including those of customers and the local operating environment. Our environmental policy includes the following core principles:
  • communication of our policies both internally and externally
  • commitment to continual improvement in environmental performance
  • taking account of the input of staff, customers, shareholders, government, local authorities, interested third parties and the general public
  • awareness and training on environmental issues so as to create a better environment for all through the reduction, recycling and reuse of waste, optimum usage of resources and elimination of polluting releases into the environment
  • compliance with all applicable regulations and legislation
  • prevention of pollution
  • manufacture in a safe environment of products supplied to customer specifications and requirements
Our management is committed to providing the resources necessary to ensure that the company’s environmental objectives and targets are achieved. Option has done substantial efforts to align customer requests for customization while lowering its ecological footprint. This resulted in our offering of environmentally friendly and highly customizable packaging. If you want to read more on our packaging, click here.

+ Financial calendar

 Financial Calendar 

  Financial Calendar
  Crescent intends to release its financial information in 2022 on the following dates:

Full Year 2021 results and annual report 2021:

Friday April 29, 2022- before market trading

Half year 2022  results & Interim  Financial report:

Friday September 23, 2022  - before market trading

Annual Shareholders Meeting: Tuesday May 31, 2022 - 10h00 CET - Gaston Geenslaan 14, Leuven (Belgium).

  Financiële Agenda
  Crescent heeft de intentie om haar financiële informatie in 2022 op volgende data te publiceren:

Jaarresultaten 2021 en jaarverslag 2021:

vrijdag 29 April, 2022 – voor beurstijd

Half jaar 2022 resultaten en halfjaarlijks financieel verslag:

vrijdag 23 september, 2022  - voor beurstijd

Algemene aandeelhoudersvergadering: dinsdag 31 mei, 2022 - 10u00 CET - Gaston Geenslaan 14, Leuven (België).




+ Financial results

Financial News 2015 onwards - see Reports & Publications


Financial News 2015 / Financieel Nieuws 2015

Financial News 2014 / Financieel Nieuws 2014


Financial News 2013 / Financieel Nieuws 2013

  • Third Quarter Trading Update 2013 ( UK / NL )
  • First Half Year Results 2013 ( UK / NL )
  • First Quarter Trading Update 2013 ( UK / NL )
  • Second Half Year & Full Year Results 2012 ( UK / NL )

Financial News 2012 / Financieel Nieuws 2012

  • Third Quarter Trading Update 2012 (UK / NL )
  • First Half Year Results 2012 ( UK / NL )
  • First Quarter Trading Update 2012 ( UK / NL )
  • Second Half Year & Full Year Results 2011 (UK / NL)


Financial News 2011 / Financieel Nieuws 2011

  • Third Quarter Trading Update 2011 (UK / NL)
  • First Half Year Results 2011 (UK / NL)
  • First Quarter Trading Update 2011 (UK / NL)
  • Second Half Year & Full Year Results 2010 ( UK / NL )


Financial News 2010 / Financieel Nieuws 2010

  • Third Quarter Trading Update 2010 ( UK / NL )
  • First Half Year Results 2010 ( UK / NL )
  • First Quarter Trading Update 2010 ( UK / NL )
  • Fourth Quarter Results 2009 ( UK / NL )


Financial News 2009 / Financieel Nieuws 2009

  • Third Quarter Results 2009 ( UK / NL )
  • Second Quarter Results 2009 ( UK / NL )
  • First Quarter Results 2009 ( UK / NL )
  • Fourth Quarter Results 2008 ( UK / NL )


Financial News 2008 / Financieel Nieuws 2008

  • Third Quarter Results 2008 ( UK / NL )
  • Second Quarter Results 2008 ( UK / NL )
  • First Quarter Results 2008 ( UK / NL )
  • Fourth Quarter Results 2007 ( UK / NL )


Financial News 2007 / Financieel Nieuws 2007

  • Third Quarter Results 2007 ( UK / NL )
  • Second Quarter Results 2007 ( UK / NL )
  • First Quarter Results 2007 ( UK / NL )
  • Fourth Quarter Results 2006 ( UK / NL )


Financial News 2006 / Financieel Nieuws 2006


Financial News 2005 / Financieel Nieuws 2005

  • Third Quarter Results 2005 ( UK / NL )
  • Second Quarter Results 2005 ( UK / NL )
  • First Quarter Results 2005 ( UK / NL )
  • Fourth Quarter Results 2004 ( UK / NL )


Financial News 2004 / Financieel Nieuws 2004

  • Third Quarter Results 2004 ( UK / NL )
  • Second Quarter Results 2004 ( UK / NL )
  • First Quarter Results 2004 ( UK / NL )
  • Fourth Quarter Results 2003 ( UK / NL )


Financial News 2003 / Financieel Nieuws 2003


Financial News 2002 / Financieel Nieuws 2002

+ Statutory accounts

+ Prospectus




(artikel 18, § 2, d) van de Prospectuswet van 16 juni 2006)  

Op grond van artikel 18, §  2, d) van de Wet van 26 juni 2006 op de openbare aanbieding van beleggings­in­stru­menten en de toelating tot de verhandeling op een gereglementeerde markt, wordt de onderstaande gelijkwaardige informatie ter beschikking gesteld :

  1. Verslag van de raad van bestuur aangaande de inbrengen in natura (artikel 602, lid 1 W.Venn.)
  2. Verslag van de commissaris aangaande de inbrengen in natura (artikel 602, lid 1 W.Venn.)
  3. Verslag van de raad van bestuur overeenkomstig artikel 582 van het Wetboek van vennootschappenwaarbij een omstandige verantwoording wordt gegeven van de uitgifteprijs en de financiële gevolgen van de kapitaalverhoging door uitgifte van aandelen beneden de fractiewaarde van de bestaande aandelen.
  4. Verslag van de commissaris van de vennootschap overeenkomstig artikel 582 van het Wetboek van Vennootschappen waarin deze verklaart dat de in het verslag van de raad van bestuur opgenomen financiële en boekhoudkundige gegevens getrouw zijn en voldoende om de algemene vergadering voor te lichten.
  5. Bijkomend bijzonder verslag van de raad van bestuur overeenkomstig artikel 633 van het Wetboek van Vennootschappen.
  6. Fairness opinies inzake waardering Crescent NV (voorheen Option NV) en Crescent Ventures NV (voorheen Crescent NV)
  7. Notulen van de buitengewone algemene vergadering van 22 mei 2018
  8. Gecoördineerde statuten van de Vennootschap per 22 mei 2018
  9. Corporate governance charter van de Vennootschap
  10. Geconsolideerd Jaarverslag en jaarrekening 2014
  11. Geconsolideerd Jaarverslag en jaarrekening 2015
  12. Geconsolideerd Jaarverslag en jaarrekening 2016
  13. Geconsolideerd Jaarverslag en jaarrekening 2017
  14. Geconsolideerd Jaarverslag en jaarrekening 2018
  15. Geconsolideerd Halfjaarrapport 2018
  16. Gecorrigeerde geconsolideerde Tabellen juni 2018
  17. Gepubliceerde jaarrekeningen van 2018, 2017 en 2016 van de ingebrachte beschreven vennootschappen:
  18. Persberichten sedert 1 januari 2015, incl. trading update Q1 2019 van 20 mei 2019






VAN 116.464.000  BIJKOMENDE AANDELEN - 27 juni 2017

(artikel 18, § 2, d) van de Prospectuswet van 16 juni 2006)


Bijlage A - Bijzonder verslag van de raad van bestuur overeenkomstig artikel 602 van het wetboek van vennootschappen

Bijlage B - Verslag van de commissaris overeenkomstig artikel 602 van het wetboek van vennootschappen

Bijlage B2 - Brief Deloitte Correctie Inbreng in natura

Bijlage C - Akte kapitaalverhoging

Bijlage D - Coördinatie statuten Option NV

Bijlage E - Corporate Governance Charter Option NV

Bijlage F - Jaarverslag en jaarrekening 2013

Bijlage G - Jaarverslag en jaarrekening 2014

Bijlage H - Jaarverslag en jaarrekening 2015

Bijlage I -  Jaarverslag en jaarrekening 2016

Bijlage J – Halfjaarcijfers 2016

Bijlage K - Persberichten






(artikel 18, § 2, d) van de Prospectuswet van 16 juni 2006)


Bijlage A - Bijzonder verslag van de raad van bestuur overeenkomstig artikel 602 van het wetboek van vennootschappen

Bijlage B - Verslag van de commissaris overeenkomstig artikel 602 van het wetboek van vennootschappen

Bijlage C - Akte kapitaalverhoging

Bijlage D - Coördinatie statuten Option NV

Bijlage E - Corporate Governance Charter Option NV

Bijlage F - Jaarverslag en jaarrekening 2013

Bijlage G - Jaarverslag en jaarrekening 2014

Bijlage H - Jaarverslag en jaarrekening 2015

Bijlage I -  Halfjaarcijfers 2016

Bijlage J – Jaarcijfers 2016

Bijlage K - Persberichten

+ Capital structure NL


(a) Totaal maatschappelijk kapitaal   EUR 11.995.923,06
(b) Totaal aantal stemrechtverlenende effecten   1.697.689.345
(c) Totaal aantal stemrechten (= de noemer)   1.697.689.345
Aandeelhouder (>3%)   %
(A) Eric Van Zele/Van Zele Holding   28,5%
(B) Alychlo/Marc Coucke/Mylecke   11,8%
(C) Jan Callewaert   7,8%
(D) Danlaw   6,1%

Laatste update: november 2021


+ Capital structure UK


(a) Total share capital EUR 11,995,923.06 
(b) Total number of voting securities 1,697,689,345
(c) Total number of voting rights (= the denominator) 1,697,689,345
Shareholder (>3%) %
(A) Eric Van Zele/Van Zele Holding 28.5%  
(B) Alychlo/Marc Coucke/Mylecke 11.8%
(C) Jan Callewaert 7.8%
(D) Danlaw 6.1%

Last update:  November  2021


+ Transparency filing

Transparency filing

In accordance with the requirements of the current legislation on the disclosure of major participations in issuers of which shares are admitted to trading on a ‘regulated market’, are any natural or legal person who, directly or indirectly, acquire or resign shares or other voting granting financial instruments of the company, whether or not they represent capital, compulsory by the law applicable at that time, are obliged to inform both the Company and  the FSMA of the number of financial instruments owned as well as the percentage of existing voting rights whenever the voting rights are attached to these financial instruments reach a first time three percent (3%) and then five percent (5%) or a multiple of five percent (5%), exceed or fall below such percentage. The involved shareholders must comply with the statutory requirements and regulations in this regard.


Overeenkomstig de voorschriften van de vigerende wetgeving inzake de`openbaarmaking van belangrijke deelnemingen in emittenten waarvan aandelen zijn toegelaten tot de verhandeling op een gereglementeerde markt', is elke natuurlijke of rechtspersoon die, rechtstreeks of onrechtstreeks, aandelen of andere stemrecht verlenende financiële instrumenten van de vennootschap, die al dan niet het kapitaal vertegenwoordigen, verwerft of afstaat, verplicht in de omstandigheden voorzien door de op dat ogenblik toepasselijke wetgeving, zowel de vennootschap als de FSMA kennis te geven van het aantal financiële instrumenten dat hij bezit, alsook het percentage van de bestaande stemrechten, telkens wanneer de stemrechten verbonden aan deze financiële instrumenten een eerste maal drie procent (3%) en vervolgens vijf procent (5%) of een veelvoud van vijf procent (5%) bereiken, overschrijden of beneden zulk percentage zakken. De betrokken aandeelhouders dienen zich te conformeren naar de wettelijke voorschriften ter zake.

    • Declaration of interest / Kennisgeving 2019

         Download PDF

    • Declaration of interest / Kennisgeving 2018
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For information dated afterto May 22 2018 - please refer to www.crescent-ventures.com

Voor informatie gedateerd na 22 mei 2018 - raadpleeg www.crescent-ventures.com

+ Shareholders’ meetings

Shareholders’ meeting 

Ordinary General Meeting - 31 May 2021


Extraordinary General Meeting - 31 March 2021


Ordinary General Meeting - 29 May 2020

Extraordinary General Meeting - 20 December 2019


Ordinary General Meeting - 20 June 2019

Extraordinary General Meeting - 20 June 2019

Ordinary General Meeting - 15 June 2018

Extraordinary General Meeting - 22 May 2018


Ordinary General Meeting – 31 May 2018

Extraordinary General Meeting - 2 May 2018


Extraordinary General Meeting - 30 June 2017

Ordinary General Meeting – 30 June 2017

 Extraordinary General Meeting - 12 June 2017

PREVIOUS Shareholder's meetings

Ordinary General Meeting – 31 May 2016

  • Extraordinary General Meeting - 8 January 2016
  • Extraordinary & Ordinary General Meeting - 30 April 2012
    • Agenda Extraordinary & Ordinary General Meeting  (UK / NL)

+ By-laws

+ Press releases

Leuven, Belgium – 11 January 2006 - Option N.V. (Euronext: OPTI, OTC: OPNVY), the wireless technology company, today released its Financial Calendar for the year 2006. Option intends to release its quarterly financial information in 2006 on the following dates - before market hours:

Q4 results + full year 2005: Thursday February 23, 2006

Q1 results: Thursday May 4, 2006

Q2 results: Thursday July 27, 2006

Q3 results: Thursday October 26, 2006

Annual shareholders’ meeting: Friday March 31, 2006, 10 AM in Leuven (Belgium).


Option NV (www.option.com), the wireless technology company, is a leading innovator in the design, development and manufacture of 3G WCDMA (HSDPA and UMTS), EDGE, GPRS, GSM and WLAN technology products for wireless connectivity solutions. Option has built up an enviable reputation for creating exciting products that enhance the performance and functionality of wireless communications. Option’s headquarters are in Leuven, Belgium. The company has Research & Development in Leuven, a Software and Applications development centre in Adelsried (Germany), a Wireless Router development centre in Stockholm (Sweden) and an ISO 9002 production engineering and logistics facility in Cork, Ireland.

Cingular completes first 3.6MBPS data call with Option Data Card


Commercial 3G Network Used to Showcase HSDPA Evolution

LAS VEGAS – January 5, 2006 - Cingular didn’t need any luck in Vegas today as it became the first wireless carrier in the world to complete a mobile data call using a 3.6Mbps (megabit per second) HSDPA (High Speed Downlink Packet Access) device and its commercial 3G network.

Cingular showcased its Las Vegas HSDPA network by carrying the live call using a laptop computer equipped with an Option Wireless PC Modem Card and Qualcomm’s MSM6280 chipset. The company said it will showcase the potential of its network technology tonight at this year’s Digital Experience event at the Bellagio hotel.

“We continuously strive to enhance our customers’ wireless experience, using technology to deliver the most advanced data services and the highest quality voice services available,” said Kris Rinne, chief technology officer for Cingular Wireless. “The flexibility of using HSDPA in our network gives us the ability to significantly increase data connection speeds as the market demands.”

Commercial HSDPA service is available in Las Vegas and 15 other cities. Cingular’s BroadbandConnect service provides downlink speeds between 400-700Kbps (kilobits per second) with bursts to over one Mbps. Cingular plans to offer HSDPA service in most major markets by the end of 2006.

HSDPA/UMTS technology is the global standard and natural 3G evolutionary path for GSM providers. Wireless carriers offering UMTS (Universal Mobile Telephone System), EDGE (Enhanced Data Rates for Global Evolution) or GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) can upgrade their networks to HSDPA and be assured there is a continued evolutionary path to faster speeds and more advanced services.

To date, there are more than 50 HSDPA networks planned or in deployment, plus eight announced trials. UMTS services are already offered on 95 commercial networks in 45 countries with an additional 67 UMTS networks in deployment, planned or licensed.

For more information about Cingular BroadbandConnect, customers can call 1-866-429-7222, visit online at www.cingular.com/broadbandconnect or by contacting a business sales representative. Laptop modem cards are available at Cingular Wireless retail stores or online.


Douglas Ros, VP Business Development & Marketing, Option

E-mail: d.ros@option.com

Tel + 32 (0) 16 317 411

Frederic Convent, CFO, Option

E-mail: investor@option.com

Tel + 32 (0) 16 317 411

Ritch Blasi, Cingular Wireless

908-696-4242 (office)

908-612-1760 (wireless – at CES)



Cingular Wireless is the largest wireless carrier in the United States, serving 52.3 million customers. Cingular, a joint venture between AT&T Inc., formerly SBC Communications Inc., (NYSE: T) and BellSouth Corporation (NYSE: BLS), has the largest digital voice and data network in the nation -- the ALLOVER (SM) network -- and the largest mobile-to-mobile community of any national wireless carrier. Cingular is the only U.S. wireless carrier to offer Rollover (SM), the wireless plan that lets customers keep their unused monthly minutes. Details of the company are available at www.cingular.com . Get Cingular Wireless press releases e-mailed to you automatically. Sign up at www.cingular.com/newsroom .


Option NV (Euronext: OPTI, OTC: OPNVY), the wireless technology company, is a leading innovator in the design, development and manufacture of 3G WCDMA (HSDPA and UMTS), EDGE, GPRS, GSM and WLAN technology products for wireless connectivity solutions. More information can be found at www.option.com .


QUALCOMM Incorporated (www.qualcomm.com ) is a leader in developing and delivering innovative digital wireless communications products and services based on CDMA and other advanced technologies. Headquartered in San Diego, Calif., QUALCOMM is included in the S&P 500 Index and is a 2005 FORTUNE 500® company traded on The Nasdaq Stock Market® under the ticker symbol QCOM.

Leuven - Belgium, December 29, 2005 - Option N.V. (Euronext: OPTI, OTC: OPNVY), the wireless technology company, today unveiled the GTM351E embedded wireless module. The GTM351E is a PCI Express Mini Card module designed primarily for the laptop computer market. The product supports 3G HSDPA/UMTS and Quad band EDGE/GPRS WWAN technologies in a single miniaturised plug-in module package.

In conjunction with the announcement of the GTM351E wireless module, Option also announces that it has been awarded a design win for the product from a major IT manufacturer. Initial shipments of the GTM351E wireless module have already been made for platform integration, whilst commercial shipments are expected in the 1st half of 2006. In tandem Option has supplied the wireless module to mobile network operators for conformance testing and product validation.

Jan Callewaert, CEO Option: “Our world-class expertise in developing and bringing to market wireless data solutions combined with our excellent relationships with mobile network operators makes Option a strong partner in the market for wireless modules. The business model between operators and IT Manufacturers for commercializing embedded wireless modules is still in its early stages. We’ll see a further maturing of this market in 2006. With this product announcement and our design win we mark a new milestone in the history of our company.”

PCI Express Mini Card is a new standard for embedded modules being adopted widely by IT manufacturers that is replacing the former mini-PCI connector on system boards. The PCI Express Mini Card standard now includes connector pin-outs to take account of Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) interfaces as used in 3G UMTS/HSDPA and GSM wireless implementations.

The Option GTM351E is the ideal solution for an IT manufacturer embedding HSDPA, UMTS and EDGE connectivity into laptops devices. The GTM351E supports HSDPA 1.8 Mbps, UMTS WCDMA in the 2100 MHz band and EDGE/GPRS in four bands (850/900/1800/1900 MHz), thereby ensuring worldwide network compatibility bringing broadband wireless Internet connectivity to laptop users.

Product Highlights

• Multimode 3G HSDPA/3GUMTS/EDGE/GPRS PCI Express Mini-Card

• Provides HSDPA High-speed data (up to 1.8 Mbps downlink and up to 384kbps uplink) connectivity on HSDPA-equipped networks

• Provides UMTS High-speed data (up to 384 kbps) connectivity on UMTS networks

• Provides EDGE/GPRS/GSM data (up to 247 kbps) connectivity

• Low power dissipation for easy embedding into devices

• Transparent handover between HSDPA/UMTS and GSM/EDGE networks

• Tested on infrastructures and networks worldwide

• Flexible driver design providing both NDIS and modem modes for easy integration into 3rd party dashboard applications

• Microsoft approved WHQL drivers

• Future-proof through Flash Memory technology

• Fully RoSH compliant (lead-free manufacturing processes)

• Benefits from Option’s extensive experience in Wireless Data Cards

• GlobeTrotter Mobility Manager software & drivers can be customized according to the IT Manufacturer and the Mobile Network Operator requirements

For pictures of the GTM351E please visit


For a datasheet of the GTM351E please visit



Option NV (www.option.com), the wireless technology company, is a leading innovator in the design, development and manufacture of 3G WCDMA (HSDPA and UMTS), EDGE, GPRS, GSM and WLAN technology products for wireless connectivity solutions. Option has built up an enviable reputation for creating exciting products that enhance the performance and functionality of wireless communications. Option’s headquarters are in Leuven, Belgium. The company has Research & Development in Leuven, a Software and Applications development centre in Adelsried (Germany), a Wireless Router development centre in Stockholm (Sweden) and an ISO 9002 production engineering and logistics facility in Cork, Ireland.


Frederic Convent, CFO

Tel + 32 (0) 16 317 411

E-mail: investor@option.com

Douglas Ros, VP Business Development & Marketing

Tel + 32 (0) 16 317 411

E-mail: d.ros@option.com

LEUVEN – Thursday December 22, 2005 - Option (Euronext: OPTI, OTC: OPNVY), the wireless technology company, and Nortel [NYSE/TSX: NT] have completed the industry’s first successful demonstration of live HSDPA data card calls reaching a wireless transmission rate of 3.6Mbps – faster than the majority of current broadband connections. The test calls were carried out on commercial HSDPA network equipment at Nortel’s research campus in Châteaufort, France.

The series of calls are the first data card calls to demonstrate downlink speed of 3.6 Mbps, at HSDPA category 6 using 16 QAM modulations. A laptop fitted with an Option 3.6 HSDPA data card based on QUALCOMM core MSM 6280 technology and commercial HSDPA network equipment from Nortel were used to achieve the download speeds.

The calls included successful ‘real-world’ tests with a laptop placed in a moving vehicle to illustrate the suitability of mobile wireless broadband for high quality, live TV, High Definition video on demand, MP3 download as well as new applications for the mobile workforce.

“The results of these data card trials mark a world first for Option and demonstrate our leadership position in the development and realization of mobile broadband wireless data solutions,” Jan Callewaert, chief executive officer, Option. “Achieving this world first underscores the strong relationships that we have with leading chipset manufacturers and infrastructure providers -- Qualcomm and Nortel,-- and reinforces our continued commitment to bring the most advanced 3G/HSDPA technology solutions to market.”

“Nortel is committed to the thorough testing and demonstration of viable HSDPA end-user equipment with vendors such as Option to help provide a faster time to market of high speed broadband wireless services,” said Jean-Luc Jezouin, vice-president, GSM/UMTS products, Nortel. “Broadband technologies like HSDPA can only help operators realize the value of their existing Nortel UMTS infrastructure investments if viable end user equipment is available in the market.”

Option announced its first HSDPA demonstrations early this year at CeBIT 2005 (Hanover, March 2005) and CTIA Wireless (New-Orleans, March 2005) tradeshows. In September 2005 the company announced its worldwide unique HSDPA-Ready concept, which means that whenever the network operator decides to launch HSDPA services in its territory, a simple firmware upgrade, available via the operator’s website, is sufficient to release the power of HSDPA on the data card. Option’s GlobeTrotter 3G/EDGE and the GlobeTrotter FUSION+, both “HSDPA-Ready”, are currently shipped in volumes to network operators.

Nortel achieved the industry's first HSDPA mobile call in January 2005. Nortel completed the first live test calls using a commercial handset solution for HSDPA in March 2005. In June 2005, Nortel became the first wireless network supplier to complete the TL9000 registration standard for Quality Management System Requirements and Measurements across its HSDPA, UMTS and GSM wireless infrastructure solutions.

Nortel has worked with a number of wireless operators on HSDPA trials and deployments in 2005, including Edge wireless in the US, SKT and KTF in Korea, SOFTBANK Group's BB Mobile in Japan, O2, Orange (at 3GSM World Congress 2005 in Cannes, France), Vodafone (at CeBIT 2005 in Hanover, Germany), Partner Communications in Israel, and Mobilkom Austria. HSDPA categories for end-user equipment are defined by the HSDPA 3GPP specification.

About Option

Option NV (www.option.com ), the wireless technology company, is a leading innovator in the design, development and manufacture of 3G WCDMA (HSDPA and UMTS), EDGE, GPRS, GSM and WLAN technology products for wireless connectivity solutions. Option has built up an enviable reputation for creating exciting products that enhance the performance and functionality of wireless communications. Option’s headquarters are in Leuven, Belgium. The company has Research & Development in Leuven, a Software and Applications development centre in Adelsried (Germany), a Wireless Router development centre in Stockholm (Sweden) and an ISO 9002 production engineering and logistics facility in Cork, Ireland.

About Nortel

Nortel is a recognized leader in delivering communications capabilities that enhance the human experience, ignite and power global commerce, and secure and protect the world’s most critical information. Serving both service provider and enterprise customers, Nortel delivers innovative technology solutions encompassing end-to-end broadband, Voice over IP, multimedia services and applications, and wireless broadband designed to help people solve the world’s greatest challenges. Nortel does business in more than 150 countries. For more information, visit Nortel on the Web at www.nortel.com. For the latest Nortel news, visit www.nortel.com/news.

For more information please contact:

Douglas Ros, VP Business Development & Marketing Option

Tel +32 (0)16 317 411

E-mail: d.ros@option.com

Frederic Convent, CFO Option

Tel + 32 (0) 16 317 411

E-mail: investor@option.com

Ben Roome

+44 1628 433 113


Leuven - Belgium, December 13, 2005 - Option N.V. (Euronext: OPTI, OTC: OPNVY), the wireless technology company, today announced that Polkomtel has selected three wireless data cards from Option’s portfolio, the GlobeTrotter 3G/EDGE ‘HSDPA-Ready’, the GlobeTrotter EDGE and the GlobeTrotter 3G QUAD, to provide data services to its broad base of mobile business users. With over 8 million customers in Poland, Polkomtel markets its services under the “iPlus” brand. Polkomtel plans to launch HSDPA services in 2006 and as such the “iPlus” HSDPA-Ready 3G/EDGE wireless data card gives Polkomtel customers the extra advantage of buying a future-proof solution for the upcoming HSDPA service. Currently both the GlobeTrotter EDGE and GlobeTrotter 3G QUAD wireless data cards are marketed by Polkomtel under the Option brand.

Polkomtel, Poland’s tier one wireless network operator, is one of three mobile telephony operators in Poland, marketing its services under brand names Plus GSM, Simplus and Sami Swoi. Polkomtel’s Plus GSM service, covers 98% of the area of Poland, provides services to over 8 million customers, and operates GSM 900, DCS 1800 and 2100 MHz 3G UMTS. The company has pioneered innovative GSM-technology-based services on the Polish market. Amongst other notable achievements Polkomtel was the first company to offer MMS messaging, voice-based access to text messages (SMS), and GPRS/EDGE based data transmission services. In September 2004 Plus GSM was the first operator in Poland to launch 3G UMTS services and currently has the largest 3G coverage footprint on the Polish market.

The GlobeTrotter ‘HSDPA-Ready’ 3G/EDGE on a 3G UMTS network enables broadband connection to the Internet at data speeds of up to 384kbps. Where 3G services are not available it falls back to EDGE at data speeds of up to 247 kbps. In the absence of an EDGE or 3G UMTS network the data card still enables reliable and secure data connections over traditional GPRS.

HSDPA-Ready is an Option unique concept, which means that whenever the network operator decides to launch HSDPA services in its territory, a simple firmware upgrade, available via the operator’s website, is sufficient to release the power of HSDPA on the data card.

On a 3G UMTS network the GlobeTrotter 3G QUAD enables a connection to the internet at data speeds of up to 384kbps. On an EDGE network the GlobeTrotter EDGE data card provides connectivity at speeds up to 247 kbps. In the absence of a 3G UMTS (for the GlobeTrotter 3G QUAD) or an EDGE network (for the GlobeTrotter EDGE) both data cards enable reliable and secure data connections over traditional GPRS.


Option NV (www.option.com ), the wireless technology company, is a leading innovator in the design, development and manufacture of 3G WCDMA (HSDPA and UMTS), EDGE, GPRS, GSM and WLAN technology products for wireless connectivity solutions. Option has built up an enviable reputation for creating exciting products that enhance the performance and functionality of wireless communications. Option’s headquarters are in Leuven, Belgium. The company has Research & Development in Leuven, a Software and Applications development centre in Adelsried (Germany), a wireless router development centre in Stockholm (Sweden) and an ISO 9002 production engineering and logistics facility in Cork, Ireland.


Douglas Ros, Vice President Business Development & Marketing

Tel +32 (0)16 317 411

E-mail: d.ros@option.com

Frederic Convent, CFO

Tel + 32 (0) 16 317 411

E-mail: investor@option.com

- Option selected for its innovative technology and smart business model that nurtures growth and profitability -

San Francisco - Leuven, December 12, 2005 — Option (Euronext: OPTI, OTC: OPNVY), the wireless technology company, announced today that it has been selected by Red Herring magazine as one of the inaugural Red Herring Small Cap 100. The editors of Red Herring evaluated over 2,500 technology companies from North America, Europe, and the Asia-Pacific region for the award.

The Red Herring Small Cap 100 are selected for their innovative technology and smart business models that nurture growth and profitability. Red Herring’s Innovation Index, global perspective, and provocative outlook on the technology landscape make this list a unique tool for technology and financial executives.

“The winners on this list are the most competitive, the most innovative, and the most promising technology companies in the small-cap segment. We hope that the Red Herring Small Cap 100 list will shine the light on them that they deserve," said Joel Dreyfuss, Editor-in-Chief of Red Herring magazine.

Jan Callewaert, CEO Option: “We are honoured and very excited to be recognized as a Red Herring 100 company. The companies on the list are driving change through technology. Option is at the forefront of wireless data solutions and our products are in use across Europe, in the United States, and as far a field as India and Australia. Option’s inclusion in this list validates the company’s outstanding pace of growth and innovation.”

The award ceremony for the Small Cap 100 will be held during the Red Herring Fall 2005 conference, December 13th-15th in San Francisco, California. All award winners will be profiled in issue #47 of Red Herring magazine, on sale December 12th, which also contains Red Herring’s Top 10 Trends for 2006. The full list can also be viewed at www.herringevents.com.


Red Herring events have long delivered clear and intelligent insight into the critical trends shaping the future of technology. We bring together industry leaders, venture capitalists, entrepreneurs, and our own business intelligence team to share ideas and present our research-based discoveries. Participants explore the strategic shifts and disruptive impact that new technologies will have in key U.S. and international markets. Along the way, they will get a glimpse of the future. Additional information is available at www.redherring.com/events.


Option NV (www.option.com), the wireless technology company, is a leading innovator in the design, development and manufacture of 3G WCDMA (HSDPA and UMTS), EDGE, GPRS, GSM and WLAN technology products for wireless connectivity solutions. Option has built up an enviable reputation for creating exciting products that enhance the performance and functionality of wireless communications. Option’s headquarters are in Leuven, Belgium. The company has Research & Development in Leuven, a Software and Applications development centre in Adelsried (Germany), a wireless router development centre in Stockholm (Sweden) and an ISO 9002 production engineering and logistics facility in Cork, Ireland.


Douglas Ros, Vice President Business Development & Marketing

Tel +32 (0)16 317 411

E-mail: d.ros@option.com

Frederic Convent, CFO

Tel + 32 (0) 16 317 411

E-mail: investor@option.com

Leuven - Belgium, November 18, 2005 - Option N.V. (Euronext: OPTI, OTC: OPNVY), the wireless technology company, today announced that it has won the prestigious ‘Golden Bridge Award’ awarded annually by the Belgian-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce to the Belgian/Luxembourg company rated highest for its achievements in exporting to the United Kingdom. The result was announced by H.E. Baron Thierry de Gruben, Ambassador of the King of the Belgians in Great Britain during a Gala Diner in London on 17th November.

Chairman of the Belgian-Luxemburg Chamber of Commerce, Michel Vanhoonacker, said: “The quality of the finalists was exceptionally good and the jury had an extremely difficult task to choose a winner between winners. Eventually, Option was the favourite due to its extraordinary journey in the last 20 year and the persistence of its founder and CEO Jan Callewaert who believed in his business model despite several setbacks. We can be proud of our Belgian companies.”

Jan Callewaert, CEO Option, comments: “We are honoured to win this Award and we thank our customers in the UK for making this happen. The Award underscores the tremendous growth we achieved in the UK in the past years. The UK is a key market for us and it still shows great growth opportunities for Option. We will relentlessly focus on our customers to give them the best possible wireless data solutions.”

The Company’s current UK customers include Network Operators such as BT, Orange, T-Mobile and Vodafone and various Value Added Resellers. The Company plans to further increase its footprint in the British market with the addition of new products.

Finalists for the ‘Golden Bridge Award’ also included Clarysse, Jaga, Loveld, Pastridor and Spiromatic.


Option NV (www.option.com), the wireless technology company, is a leading innovator in the design, development and manufacture of 3G WCDMA (HSDPA and UMTS), EDGE, GPRS, GSM and WLAN technology products for wireless connectivity solutions. Option has built up an enviable reputation for creating exciting products that enhance the performance and functionality of wireless communications. Option’s headquarters are in Leuven, Belgium. The company has Research & Development in Leuven, a Software and Applications development centre in Adelsried (Germany), a wireless router development centre in Stockholm (Sweden) and an ISO 9002 production engineering and logistics facility in Cork, Ireland.


Belgian-Luxemburg Chamber of Commerce

Michel Vanhoonacker, Chairman

Tel +44 870 246 1610

Mobile +44 7940 574 635

Riverside House, 27/29 Vauxhall Grove – London SW8 1SY

Douglas Ros, Vice President Business Development & Marketing Option

Tel +32 (0)16 317 411

E-mail: d.ros@option.com

Frederic Convent, CFO Option

Tel + 32 (0) 16 317 411

E-mail: investor@option.com

Leuven - Belgium, November 14, 2005 - Option N.V. (Euronext: OPTI, OTC: OPNVY), the wireless technology company, today announced that Optus has chosen the GlobeTrotter FUSION QUAD and the GlobeTrotter 3G QUAD as cornerstones of the network operator’s large-scale commercial launch of broadband wireless data cards in Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne, the Brisbane CBD, and airport locations in Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth, as well as 630 partner Wi-Fi Hotspot locations operated by Azure the leading Australian provider of high-speed wireless Hotspot Internet services.

The GlobeTrotter wireless data cards, commercialized as part of the “Optus Wireless Connect” program, are customized and sold in Australia under the ‘Yes’ Optus brand.

Optus is an Australian leader in integrated communications - serving more than 6 million customers each day. The company provides a broad range of communications services including mobile services. Optus’ Mobile business unit has captured around one third of the total Australian GSM mobile market and leads the market in mobile data take up. In 2001 SingTel (Singapore Exchange, SGX: SingTel) became the parent company of Optus paving the way for Optus to become a strong and strategic telecommunications player within the Asia-Pacific region.

Optus Mobile is also a member of the “Bridge Mobile Alliance”. This alliance is a joint venture of 7 leading Asia Pacific mobile operators that looks at driving commercial and other benefits for the operators and delivering regional mobile services to their subscribers. Together, the group has a combined base of over 56 million subscribers, making it the largest mobile joint venture in the Asia Pacific region.

On 3G networks the GlobeTrotter FUSION QUAD and the GlobeTrotter 3G QUAD data cards enable broadband connection to the internet at data speeds of up to 384 Kbps. Move within range of a public WiFi hotspot, the corporate wireless LAN or your home wireless network, and the GlobeTrotter FUSION QUAD, with integrated WLAN/Wi-Fi functionality, provides connection at speeds up to 54 Mbps. In areas where 3G or WiFi services are not available both the GlobeTrotter FUSION QUAD and the GlobeTrotter 3G QUAD will supply reliable and secure data connection over the GPRS service.


Option NV (www.option.com ), the wireless technology company, is a leading innovator in the design, development and manufacture of 3G WCDMA (HSDPA and UMTS), EDGE, GPRS, GSM and WLAN technology products for wireless connectivity solutions. Option has built up an enviable reputation for creating exciting products that enhance the performance and functionality of wireless communications. Option’s headquarters are in Leuven, Belgium. The company has Research & Development in Leuven, a Software and Applications development centre in Adelsried (Germany), a wireless router development centre in Stockholm (Sweden) and an ISO 9002 production engineering and logistics facility in Cork, Ireland.


Douglas Ros, Vice President Business Development & Marketing

Tel +32 (0)16 317 411

E-mail: d.ros@option.com

Frederic Convent, CFO

Tel + 32 (0) 16 317 411

E-mail: investor@option.com

Leuven - Belgium, November 10, 2005 - Option N.V. (Euronext: OPTI, OTC: OPNVY), the wireless technology company, today announced that it has shipped its 1 millionth 3G UMTS wireless data card. The millionth data card, a customized Vodafone version of the GlobeTrotter 3G QUAD, rolled off of the production lines at Option’s logistics facility in Cork (Ireland) this week and was delivered to Vodafone D2 in Germany.

Option announced the development of the first 3G UMTS wireless data card at ITU Telecom World (Geneva) in October 2003. Since then the Company has developed a comprehensive and unrivalled range of six 3G UMTS enabled wireless data cards: GlobeTrotter 3G/GPRS, GlobeTrotter 3G QUAD, GlobeTrotter FUSION, GlobeTrotter FUSION QUAD, GlobeTrotter 3G/EDGE and GlobeTrotter FUSION+. These data cards are currently shipped globally to over 65 mobile network operators.

Jan Callewaert, CEO at Option: “Shipping our 1 millionth 3G wireless data card marks an important milestone for Option and further strengthens our position as the number 1 supplier of 3G UMTS wireless data cards world wide. Superior performance coupled with unmatched reliability and extensive customisation services make our products ’best in class’. The increasing demand from mobile network operators for Option’s products continues to contribute to the company’s strong performance and success in the 3G global market”.

Dr. Sanjay K. Jha, President of Qualcomm (Nasdaq: QCOM) CDMA Technologies congratulated Option: “This milestone marks significant accomplishment in industry wide efforts to bring WCDMA technology to people around the world. Qualcomm is committed to the success of all its partners, and the 1 millionth data card shipped by Option is a substantial achievement that paves the way for further success in the future”.

About Option

Option NV (www.option.com), the wireless technology company, is a leading innovator in the design, development and manufacture of 3G WCDMA (HSDPA and UMTS), EDGE, GPRS, GSM and WLAN technology products for broadband wireless connectivity solutions. Option has built up an enviable reputation for creating exciting products that enhance the performance and functionality of wireless communications. Option’s headquarters are in Leuven, Belgium. The company has Research & Development in Leuven, a Software and Applications development centre in Adelsried (Germany), a wireless router development centre in Stockholm (Sweden), and an ISO 9002 production engineering and logistics facility in Cork, Ireland.

For more information please contact

Douglas Ros, Vice President Business Development & Marketing

Tel +32 (0)16 317 411

E-mail: d.ros@option.com

Frederic Convent, CFO

Tel + 32 (0) 16 317 411

E-mail: investor@option.com

Option N.V. (Euronext: OPTI, OTC: OPNVY), the wireless technology company, today reported results for the third quarter 2005.

Download Q3 2005 Results UK version

Download Q3 2005 Results NL version

The stock quoted Louvain technology company Option is the new ‘Onderneming van het Jaar’. This year, Ernst & Young has organized the 11th edition of the ‘Onderneming van het Jaar’, in collaboration with De Tijd, Fortis Bank and Kanaal Z. Option was chosen as the winner from a selection of six finalists that were nominated, including: Arinso, Artwork Systems, Cartamundi, Delta Light, JBC and Option. Option was nominated for the second year running.

Option CEO Jan Callewaert was awarded the prize by the Belgian Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt. And, for the first time, Minister-president Yves Leterme awarded ‘The Flemish Government Prize for the Most Promising Company’. The West Flanders company Televic is the first winner of this award.

11th ‘Onderneming van het Jaar’

The election of ‘Onderneming van het Jaar’ has now reached its 11th edition. Ernst & Young organised the election for the first time in Belgium in 1995, with the aim of drawing attention to successful companies that have earned it and to honour them for their accomplishments. “Since then, our award has grown to have permanent value, with high prestige in the Flemish business world. It has become an annual tradition for Prime Minister Verhofstadt to award it. We are very happy that our initiative has built up a particularly strong reputation through the years and has acquired such cachet. This makes it possible for us to highlight the enterprising spirit of our country in a suitable way,” says Jo Sanders, Head of Ernst & Young Advisory.

“We are very glad that the Flemish Government also wishes to contribute. With the first award of ‘The Flemish Government Prize for the Most Promising Company’, Minister-president Yves Leterme wants to emphasize that entrepreneurship is high up on the Flemish Government’s agenda. After all, traditionally Flanders has been a bastion of entrepreneurs, who form the basis of our prosperity with their smaller or larger businesses,” continues Jo Sanders.

Option takes its place in the impressive list of prizewinners alongside Deceuninck (2004), Miko (2003), Omega Pharma (2002), Resilux (2001), Melexis (2000), Sioen Industries (1999), Compex (1998), Icos Vision Systems (1997), ECA (1996) and Real Software (1995).

Jury honours Option and rewards Televic

Jury chairman Paul Buysse says about the ‘Onderneming van het Jaar’: “The jury was impressed by the vigour of the management and the rock-solid belief that they displayed in the further growth of the company. With unceasing dedication they have always continued working further on the development of the company, which has undergone spectacular growth. They also have always had an eye for profitable growth together with constant international expansion of their technological base. Option’s management applies the core elements of corporate governance and communicates realistically with its stakeholders. The company fulfilled almost all of the criteria the jury had set. And Option’s success has an inspiring effect.”

To be eligible for "Onderneming van het Jaar", a number of basic criteria are applied. Candidates must fulfil a number of quantitative specifications and then a thorough qualitative and quantitative analysis and audit is performed by Ernst & Young experts. On the basis of this exhaustive dossier, six companies were ultimately nominated as finalists: Arinso, Artwork Systems, Cartamundi, Delta Light, JBC and Option. Based on these presentations and the comprehensive dossier, the jury ultimately chose Option as ‘Onderneming van het Jaar 2005’.

For ‘The Flemish Government Prize for the Most Promising Company’ the jury’s preference went to Televic. With this new prize, a first generation company that has grown strongly and scores top marks in one of the criteria (entrepreneurship, strategic vision, innovation, internationalisation, competitiveness and responsible management) has been garlanded.

The jury for ‘Onderneming van het Jaar’ consists of representatives from the business and academic world and for several years it has been under the chairmanship of Baron Paul Buysse. The jury was composed of Clement De Meersman (CEO of Deceuninck and 2004 winner), Martin De Prycker (CEO of Barco), Rik Duyck (|Chairman of Flemish Management Association), Philippe Muyters (Managing Director of VOKA), Geert Noels (Managing Director and Chief Economist at Petercam), Hans Crijns (Professor at Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School), Michèle Sioen (CEO of Sioen Industries), Marc Van Cauteren (Chief Editor at De Tijd) and Paul Windey (Chairman of National Labour Council).


Profile: OPTION, winner of ‘Onderneming van het Jaar 2005’

Option, founded in 1987, is a stock quoted technology company that designs innovative wireless broadband solutions and develops, produces and sells to network operators and IT manufacturers worldwide.

The company, with branches in Belgium, Germany and Ireland, has over 230 staff members and is recruiting yet more highly skilled engineers to steer the current growth phase. Option achieved a turnover of 102.5 million euro in 2004, an increase of 80% on 2003’s figure.

Jan Callewaert, Option’s CEO, and his team, with their vision and well thought out business approach, have successfully piloted Option through turbulent times. The breakthrough came in 2002. The launch of the GPRS GlobeTrotter data card, together with Vodafone, provided the first product success. With this data card, people can, via a notebook, surf wirelessly on the Internet, read and send emails, consult business networks etc. In 2004 the product family was further expanded to 5 data cards, including new product successes such as the GlobeTrotter 3G/GPRS data card using the UMTS networks and the GlobeTrotter FUSION data card that makes UMTS, GPRS and Wi-Fi connections possible. The customer base was also powerfully expanded with names like T-Mobile, Orange, Airtel India, Cingular etc.

For 2005, new HSDPA data cards are on the menu as well as the launch of a new product family of ‘wireless modules’ for incorporating into PCs. The 2005 figures already herald further growth: the turnover may reach 175 million euro, a rise of 70% on 2004.

Het Leuvense beursgenoteerde technologiebedrijf Option is de nieuwe ‘Onderneming van het Jaar’. Ernst & Young organiseert dit jaar reeds de 11de editie van de ‘Onderneming van het Jaar’-award, in samenwerking met De Tijd, Fortis Bank en Kanaal Z. Option werd tot laureaat gekozen uit een selectie van 6 genomineerde bedrijven: Arinso, Artwork Systems, Cartamundi, Delta Light, JBC en Option. Option was voor het tweede jaar op rij genomineerd.

Option CEO Jan Callewaert kreeg de trofee overhandigd door Eerste Minister Guy Verhofstadt. Tevens overhandigde Minister-president Yves Leterme voor het eerst ‘De Prijs van de Vlaamse Regering voor de Beloftevolle Onderneming’. Het West-Vlaamse Televic is de eerste laureaat van deze onderscheiding.

11de ‘Onderneming van het Jaar’

De verkiezing van de ‘Onderneming van het Jaar’ is intussen aan zijn 11de editie toe. Ernst & Young organiseerde de verkiezing voor het eerst in 1995 in België met de bedoeling om succesvolle ondernemingen de aandacht te geven die ze verdienen en hen te lauweren om hun prestaties. “Intussen is onze trofee gegroeid tot een gevestigde waarde met een hoog aanzien in de Vlaamse ondernemerswereld. Het is een jaarlijkse traditie geworden dat Premier Verhofstadt de trofee uitreikt. We zijn erg blij dat ons initiatief door de jaren heen een bijzonder sterke reputatie heeft opgebouwd en een dergelijk aanzien heeft verworven. Dit laat ons toe om het ondernemersschap in ons land op een gepaste manier in de kijker zetten,” zegt Jo Sanders, Hoofd Ernst & Young Advisory.

“We zijn tevens erg verheugd dat ook de Vlaamse Regering haar bijdrage wil leveren. Minister-president Yves Leterme wil met de eerste uitreiking van ‘De Prijs van de Vlaamse Regering voor de Beloftevolle Onderneming’ benadrukken dat ondernemersschap ook hoog op de agenda van de Vlaamse Regering staat. Traditiegetrouw is Vlaanderen immers een bolwerk van ondernemers die met hun kleinere of grotere ondernemingen de basis vormen van onze welvaart,” vervolgt Jo Sanders.

Option neemt plaats in het indrukwekkend lijstje van laureaten naast Deceuninck (2004), Miko (2003), Omega Pharma (2002), Resilux (2001), Melexis (2000), Sioen Industries (1999), Compex (1998), Icos Vision Systems (1997), ECA (1996) en Real Software (1995).

Jury lauwert Option en beloont Televic

Juryvoorzitter Paul Buysse over de ‘Onderneming van het Jaar 2005’: “De jury was onder de indruk van de doortastendheid van het management en het rotsvast geloof dat zij toonden in de verdere groei van het bedrijf. Met een niet-aflatende inzet zijn zij steeds blijven verder werken aan de ontwikkeling van het bedrijf dat intussen en spectaculair groeiparcours aflegde. Daarbij hebben ze steeds oog gehad voor winstgevende groei samen met een permanente internationale uitbouw van hun technologische basis. Het management van Option past daarbij de kernelementen van deugdelijk bestuur toe en communiceert met veel realisme naar zijn stakeholders. Het bedrijf voldeed aan zowat alle criteria die de jury had vooropgesteld. Bovendien heeft het succes van Option een inspirerende werking.”

Om in aanmerking te komen voor de ‘Onderneming van het Jaar’ zijn een aantal basiscriteria van toepassing. Kandidaat winnaars moeten voldoen aan een aantal kwantitatieve gegevens waarna een doorgedreven kwantitatief en kwalitatief onderzoek, alsook een audit, uitgevoerd door Ernst & Young volgt. Op basis van dit volledige dossier werden uiteindelijk 6 bedrijven genomineerd als finalist: Arinso, Artwork Systems, Cartamundi, Delta Light, JBC en Option. Zij werden tijdens een persoonlijk onderhoud met de onafhankelijke jury aan de tand gevoeld. Aan de hand van deze presentaties en het volledige dossier, koos de jury uiteindelijk voor Option als ‘Onderneming van het Jaar 2005’.

Voor ‘De Prijs van de Vlaamse Regering voor de Beloftevolle Onderneming’ ging de voorkeur van de jury naar Televic. Met deze nieuwe prijs wordt een eerste generatie bedrijf dat sterk groeit en uitmuntend scoort op één van de criteria (ondernemerschap, strategische visie, innovatie, internationalisatie, competitiviteit en verantwoord bestuur) in de bloemetjes gezet.

De jury van de ‘Onderneming van het Jaar’ telt vertegenwoordigers uit het bedrijfsleven en de academische wereld en staat sinds een aantal jaren onder het voorzitterschap van Baron Paul Buysse. De jury bestaat uit Clement De Meersman (CEO van Deceuninck en winnaar 2004), Martin De Prycker (CEO van Barco), Rik Duyck (Voorzitter Vlaamse Management Associatie), Philippe Muyters (Gedelegeerd Bestuurder VOKA), Geert Noels (Afgevaardigd Beheerder en Chief Economist Petercam), Hans Crijns (Professor Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School), Michèle Sioen (CEO Sioen Industries), Marc Van Cauteren (Hoofdredacteur De Tijd) en Paul Windey (Voorzitter Nationale Arbeidsraad).

Profiel: laureaat ‘Onderneming van het Jaar 2005’ OPTION

Option, opgericht in 1987, is een beursgenoteerd technologiebedrijf dat innovatieve draadloze breedbandoplossingen ontwerpt, ontwikkelt, produceert en verkoopt aan netwerkoperatoren en IT fabrikanten wereldwijd.

Het bedrijf, met vestigingen in België, Duitsland en Ierland, telt meer dan 230 personeelsleden en rekruteert nog extra hooggeschoolde ingenieurs om de huidige groeifase in goede banen te leiden. Option realiseerde in 2004 een omzet van 102,5 miljoen euro, een stijging van 80% in vergelijking met 2003.


Jan Callewaert, CEO van Option, en zijn team hebben met hun visie en doordachte business aanpak Option doorheen turbulente tijden kunnen loodsen. De doorbraak kwam er in 2002. De lancering van de GPRS GlobeTrotter datakaart, in samenwerking met Vodafone, zorgde voor een 1ste producthit. Met deze datakaart kan men via een notebook draadloos op het internet surfen, e-mails lezen en versturen, bedrijfsnetwerken raadplegen etc. In 2004 werd de productfamilie verder uitgebreid tot 5 datakaarten, waaronder nieuwe producthits zoals de GlobeTrotter 3G/GPRS datakaart die gebruik maakt van de UMTS netwerken en de GlobeTrotter FUSION datakaart die zowel UMTS, GPRS als Wi-Fi connecties mogelijk maakt. Ook het klantenbestand werd fors uitgebreid met namen als T-Mobile, Orange, Airtel India, Cingular etc..

Voor 2005 staan nog nieuwe HSDPA datakaarten op het menu én de lancering van een nieuwe productfamilie van ‘wireless modules’ voor inbouw in PC’s. De cijfers van 2005 zijn al een voorbode van de verdere groei: de omzet kan op 175 miljoen euro uitkomen, een stijging van 70% tegenover 2004.

Leuven - Belgium, October 20 2005 - Option N.V. (Euronext: OPTI, OTC: OPNVY), the wireless technology company, today announced that it has signed an agreement with Possio AB of Stockholm (Sweden) to takeover its Wireless Router business.

The agreement includes the intellectual property rights governing the concept of a Wireless Router interconnecting wide area cellular access with local area wireless connectivity (Patent granted in Europe and the US), intangibles and tangible assets, as well as 11 employees currently dedicated to its Wireless Router business. The non-disclosed purchase price of the transaction is being paid by Option in cash. The acquisition would be accretive in 2006 assuming future revenue growth and other distribution agreements into Option’s existing customer base.

Jan Callewaert, CEO at Option: “As part of our business strategy we have closely followed the fixed-mobile substitution market with a view to becoming a player in this market at the appropriate time. Since early 2005 Option has been supporting Possio with the supply and integration of the 3G UMTS technology embedded within its Wireless Router product. Their approach in the sell-off of the router business presented us with the opportunity to enter this market with a uniquely designed “ready-made” product already integrating our core 3G UMTS technology. Additionally with this product we benefit from a substantially reduced time to market. It is clear that Wireless Router products have direct synergy with our current Wireless Data Card activities; both leveraging on our core wireless technology competence, and both being marketed to the very same network operator customer base.”

Over the past year Possio has developed a Wireless Router product, known as the PX 40, that facilitates a gateway between a Wide Area cellular network (CDMA, GPRS/EDGE or UMTS technologies) and a Local Wireless Wi-Fi network. Any PC, laptop or hand-held computer device being equipped with WLAN is able, through use of the Wireless Router “Gateway”, to simultaneously share a single cellular wireless connection and gain broadband access to the Internet. The product, with inbuilt comprehensive security and authentication mechanisms, is focused on mass deployment of Internet connectivity services using the data capabilities of today’s 3G UMTS networks.

Possio will continue under its own auspices to develop and market the world’s only integrated range of mobile GSM Fax machines.


Jan Callewaert, CEO

Frederic Convent, CFO

Tel + 32 (0) 16 317 411

E-mail: investor@option.com


Option NV (www.option.com ), the wireless technology company, is a leading innovator in the design, development and manufacture of 3G WCDMA (HSDPA and UMTS), EDGE, GPRS, GSM and WLAN technology products for broadband wireless connectivity solutions. Option has built up an enviable reputation for creating exciting products that enhance the performance and functionality of wireless communications. Option’s headquarters are in Leuven, Belgium. The company has Research & Development in Leuven, a Software and Applications development centre in Adelsried (Germany) and an ISO 9002 production engineering and logistics facility in Cork, Ireland.

Leuven - Belgium, October 20 2005 - Option N.V. (Euronext: OPTI, OTC: OPNVY), the wireless technology company, today announced, as a result of the acquisition of the wireless router business of Possio, the GlobeSurfer® 3G unveiling the companies first product aimed at the Fixed-Mobile substitution market.

The first customer to take the GlobeSurfer® 3G product is O2 in Germany. O2 has kicked of a marketing campaign for the wireless router and is commercialising the product under the surf@Home brand. The product is fully customised to the exacting requirements of O2. Shipments of the surf@Home II product for O2 have commenced to coincide with their recent market launch at the beginning of this month.

The GlobeSurfer® 3G is a broadband wireless router that facilitates a gateway between a Wide Area cellular network (UMTS or GPRS technologies) and a Local Wireless Wi-Fi network. Any PC, laptop or hand-held computer device being equipped with WLAN is able, through use of the Wireless Router “Gateway”, to simultaneously share a single cellular wireless connection and gain broadband access to the Internet. The product, with inbuilt comprehensive security and authentication mechanisms, is focused on mass deployment of Internet connectivity services using the data capabilities of today’s 3G UMTS networks.

Designed with ease of use in mind the GlobeSurfer® 3G is characterized by its simplicity, including a web-based user interface. In addition to the functions typical of wireless routers it provides many extra features which make it a perfect solution for a SOHO/SME requiring fixed-mobile access to the Internet, Email, and the Corporate Intranet. The product enables mobile network operators to enhance their service offerings and take advantage of the business opportunities in the fixed-mobile substitution markets.

As with the GlobeTrotter® data cards from Option the GlobeSurfer® products can be customized to the requirements of each network operator.

O2 is a leading provider of mobile communications services in Europe, with wholly owned businesses in Germany, the United Kingdom, Ireland and the Isle of Man. The company has nearly 25 million customers. O2 Germany remains the fastest growing operator in Germany. It experienced strong service revenue growth for the full financial year ended 31 March 2005, driven by the continuing rapid growth in the customer base.

Pioneered by O2 Germany, surf@home is the first product of its kind in Europe to integrate 3G and wireless LAN technologies into a single, compact box for use in the home or office. Customers simply use their PC, PDA or notebook across a wireless LAN via the box and out over the 3G network to access the Internet at speeds of up to six times greater than ISDN.

O2 became a founding member of Starmap Mobile Alliance in October 2003, a group of independent mobile phone operators who are joining forces in readiness for the international rollout of UMTS services. Starmap aims to provide a "home-away-from-home" experience by introducing seamless roaming and multimedia connectivity to more than 46 million customers in ten European countries.


Product Datasheet: https://www.option.com/products/globesurfer_3Grouter.shtml


Douglas Ros, Vice President Business Development & Marketing

Tel +32 (0)16 317 411

E-mail: d.ros@option.com

Frederic Convent, CFO

Tel + 32 (0) 16 317 411

E-mail: investor@option.com


Option NV (www.option.com ), the wireless technology company, is a leading innovator in the design, development and manufacture of 3G WCDMA (HSDPA and UMTS), EDGE, GPRS, GSM and WLAN technology products for broadband wireless connectivity solutions. Option has built up an enviable reputation for creating exciting products that enhance the performance and functionality of wireless communications. Option’s headquarters are in Leuven, Belgium. The company has Research & Development in Leuven, a Software and Applications development centre in Adelsried (Germany) and an ISO 9002 production engineering and logistics facility in Cork, Ireland.



tLeuven - Belgium, October 4, 2005 - Option N.V. (Euronext: OPTI, OTC: OPNVY), the wireless technology company, today announced that BT has selected the GlobeTrotter 3G QUAD™ and GlobeTrotter FUSION QUAD™ wireless data card devices to launch “BT Datazone”, releasing the full power of mobile broadband data services for its business customers.

tBT markets the wireless data cards under Option’s own brand as part of the “BT Datazone” offering. Option is the only company world wide with a commercialized 3G/Wi-Fi “FUSION” data card and is currently the sole supplier of data cards to BT.

BT Group (LSE: BT-AL; NYSE: BT) is one of world’s leading providers of communications solutions serving customers in Europe, the Americas and Asia Pacific. Its principal activities include local, national and international telecommunications services, higher-value broadband and internet products and services, and IT solutions. In the UK, BT serves over 20 million business and residential customers with more than 29 million exchange lines, as well as providing network services to other licensed operators.

ttBT considers the launch of “BT DataZone” to be an important step towards meeting the company’s convergence vision, of being able to access all your information regardless of where they are in the world, on your choice of device and over the most suitable network. Both 3G wireless data cards from Option enable the realisation of this vision by automatically connecting BT’s mobile business users to the best network available be it 3G/GPRS, or one of the 30,000 BT Openzone Wi-Fi hotspots worldwide. BT Openzone boasts 7,800 Wi-Fi hotspots in the UK, located in places such as McDonald’s restaurants, BA Executive Lounges and hotspots operated under service agreement with The Cloud.

Option’s GlobeTrotter 3G QUAD™ and the GlobeTrotter FUSION QUAD™, are world’s first 5-band broadband wireless data cards combining in a single PC data card, 3G UMTS at 2100 MHz for EMEA markets and Quad band GPRS 850/900/1800/1900 MHz for worldwide markets, whilst the FUSION series also provides on board Wi-Fi/WLAN 802.11g connectivity.

For more information please contact

Douglas Ros, Vice President Business Development & Marketing

Tel +32 (0)16 317 411

E-mail: d.ros@option.com

Frederic Convent, CFO

Tel + 32 (0) 16 317 411

E-mail: investor@option.com

About Option

Option NV (www.option.com), the wireless technology company, is a leading innovator in the design, development and manufacture of 3G WCDMA (HSDPA and UMTS), EDGE, GPRS, GSM and WLAN technology products for wireless connectivity solutions. Option has built up an enviable reputation for creating exciting products that enhance the performance and functionality of wireless communications. Option’s headquarters are in Leuven, Belgium. The company has Research & Development in Leuven, a Software and Applications development centre in Adelsried (Germany) and an ISO 9002 production engineering and logistics facility in Cork, Ireland.

Keywords: Datacards, HSDPA, data card, GlobeTrotter, EDGE, WLAN, Wi-Fi, GlobeTrotter 3G, GlobeTrotter 3G QUAD, GlobeTrotter FUSION QUAD, EDGE data card, GPRS, Hotspot, Openzone

+ Financial news

+ Certification

11/04/2013 GlobeSurfer III Reference Manual

GlobeSurfer III Reference Manual - revised on 5th March 2012

+ Beemo

15/03/2013 Beemo datasheet

+ CloudGate

+ Expansion Cards

+ GlobeSurfer iCON

+ GlobeSurfer iCON 7.2

11/04/2013 iCON 7.2 firmware and software updater

The iCON 7.2 will be updated to:
Firmware 2.5.11
GlobeTrotter Connect for Windows
GlobeTrotter Connect for MAC

18/03/2013 uCan Connect Standard for MAC

For MAC OSX 10.5, 10.6 and 10.7

15/03/2013 uCan Connect Standard for Windows

For Windows XP 32 bit (SP3 recomended), Windows Vista 32 & 64 bit (SP2 recommended) and Windows 7 32 & 64 bit

+ GlobeSurfer iCON 7.2 S

11/04/2013 iCON 7.2 firmware and software updater

The iCON 7.2 will be updated to:
Firmware 2.5.11
GlobeTrotter Connect for Windows
GlobeTrotter Connect for MAC

18/03/2013 uCan Connect Standard for MAC

For MAC OSX 10.5, 10.6 and 10.7

15/03/2013 uCan Connect Standard for Windows

For Windows XP 32 bit (SP3 recomended), Windows Vista 32 & 64 bit (SP2 recommended) and Windows 7 32 & 64 bit

+ GlobeSurfer iCON HSUPA E

18/03/2013 uCan Connect Standard for MAC

For MAC OSX 10.5, 10.6 and 10.7

15/03/2013 uCan Connect Standard for Windows

For Windows XP 32 bit (SP3 recomended), Windows Vista 32 & 64 bit (SP2 recommended) and Windows 7 32 & 64 bit

+ GlobeSurfer II 1.8

+ GlobeSurfer II 7.2 E

18/03/2013 Dynamic DNS setup

Step by step description on how to set up Dynamic DNS in GlobeSurfer II 7.2

+ GlobeSurfer III

11/04/2013 GlobeSurfer III Reference Manual

GlobeSurfer III Reference Manual - revised on 5th March 2012

04/01/2013 GlobeSurfer® III Notifier software

This application is the interface between the GlobeSurfer® III device and your personal desktop. It allows you to see incoming messages, phone calls, etc. on your desktop.

04/01/2013 IPSec configuration document V2

This document provides a description of how to configure an IPSec tunnel on
the GlobeSurfer® III.

+ GlobeSurfer X.1

19/03/2013 GlobeSurfer X.1 Firmware

This firmware updater cannot be run on a MAC running Safari browser. Please use Firefox or Chrome.
This firmware updater cannot be used for devices purchased through a network operator. Please contact your network operator for further information.

+ GlobeSurfer3+

04/01/2013 GlobeSurfer® III+ Firmware R1N89

Please read 'What is new in firmware R1N89' document for updates in this firmware revision.

Note: The firmware upgrade process can take up to 20 minutes. Interrupting the process might lead to permanent failure of the device. Note: this update cannot be used with devices purchased through a network operator. Please contact your network operator directly for assistance.

04/01/2013 What is new in firmware R1N89

Please read document for new features in this firmware R1N89

04/01/2013 GlobeSurfer® III Notifier software

This application is the interface between the GlobeSurfer® III device and your personal desktop. It allows you to see incoming messages, phone calls, etc. on your desktop.

04/01/2013 GlobeSurfer® III+ 1.4 FAQ in PDF format

Frequently Asked Questions

04/01/2013 GlobeSurfer III+ Firmware update procedure 1.0

GlobeSurfer III+ Firmware update procedure


04/01/2013 GlobeSurfer® III+ Reference Manual

Revised version to include watchdog and SMS control features.


04/01/2013 IPSec configuration document V2

This document provides a description of how to configure an IPSec tunnel on
the GlobeSurfer® III.

04/01/2013 Port Forwarding Configuration V2

This document provides a description of how to configure Port Forwarding rules on the GlobeSurfer® III.


04/01/2013 ADSL Failover Configuration V2

This document provides a description of how to configure the ADSL Failover functionality on the GlobeSurfer® III.


04/01/2013 Print server and storage server configuration

This document provides a description of how to configure a print server and a file server connected to the USB port of the GlobeSurfer III.


+ GlobeTrotter

+ GlobeTrotter 3G

+ GlobeTrotter 3G Quad

+ GlobeTrotter 3G/EDGE

+ GlobeTrotter Combo

+ GlobeTrotter Combo EDGE

+ GlobeTrotter EDGE

+ GlobeTrotter Ex Converter

+ GlobeTrotter Ex Converter 5

+ GlobeTrotter Express 441

25/01/2013 Mac Driver 3.33.0
10/04/2013 GlobeTrotter Connect 3.1 (for GlobeTrotter Express 441 & 442)

GlobeTrotter Connect 3.1 for Windows 2000, XP and Vista

20/03/2013 GlobeTrotter Connect for MAC OSX Version 3.1.78

Supports up to MAC OSX 10.6

04/01/2013 Driver package

Windows 7 Legacy Mode certified drivers.

Note: For use in 5.0.x.x driver upgrade only (e.g. GlobeTrotter Connect). Driver is used in Legacy Mode only. Mobile Broadband features is not supported

04/01/2013 uCAN® Connect Standard for MAC OSX

uCAN® Connect Standard software for Apple Mac OS X 10.7, OS X 10.6 (64-bit; recommended version 10.6.4), Apple Mac OS X 10.6 (32-bit; recommended version 10.6.4) and Apple Mac OS X 10.5 (recommended version 10.5.8)


04/01/2013 uCAN® Connect Standard for Windows

uCAN® Connect software for Windows XP 32bit (SP3 recommended), Windows Vista 32 & 64bit (SP2 recommended) and Windows 7 32 & 64 bit

+ GlobeTrotter Express 442

25/01/2013 Mac Driver 3.33.0
10/04/2013 GlobeTrotter Connect 3.1 (for GlobeTrotter Express 441 & 442)

GlobeTrotter Connect 3.1 for Windows 2000, XP and Vista

20/03/2013 GlobeTrotter Connect for MAC OSX Version 3.1.78

Supports up to MAC OSX 10.6

04/01/2013 Driver package

Windows 7 Legacy Mode certified drivers.

Note: For use in 5.0.x.x driver upgrade only (e.g. GlobeTrotter Connect). Driver is used in Legacy Mode only. Mobile Broadband features is not supported

04/01/2013 uCAN® Connect Standard for MAC OSX

uCAN® Connect Standard software for Apple Mac OS X 10.7, OS X 10.6 (64-bit; recommended version 10.6.4), Apple Mac OS X 10.6 (32-bit; recommended version 10.6.4) and Apple Mac OS X 10.5 (recommended version 10.5.8)


04/01/2013 uCAN® Connect Standard for Windows

uCAN® Connect software for Windows XP 32bit (SP3 recommended), Windows Vista 32 & 64bit (SP2 recommended) and Windows 7 32 & 64 bit

+ GlobeTrotter Express 7.2 E

11/04/2013 GlobeTrotter Express 7.2 firmware and software updater

The GlobeTrotter Express 7.2 will be updated to:
Firmware 2.5.2
GlobeTrotter Connect for Windows
GlobeTrotter Connect for MAC

18/03/2013 uCan Connect Standard for MAC

For MAC OSX 10.5, 10.6 and 10.7

15/03/2013 uCan Connect Standard for Windows

For Windows XP 32 bit (SP3 recomended), Windows Vista 32 & 64 bit (SP2 recommended) and Windows 7 32 & 64 bit

+ GlobeTrotter Express HSUPA E

18/03/2013 uCan Connect Standard for MAC

For MAC OSX 10.5, 10.6 and 10.7

15/03/2013 uCan Connect Standard for Windows

For Windows XP 32 bit (SP3 recomended), Windows Vista 32 & 64 bit (SP2 recommended) and Windows 7 32 & 64 bit

05/03/2013 GlobeTrotter Express HSUPA firmware and software upgrader

The GlobeTrotter Express HSUPA device will be updated to :
    Firmware 2.12.3Hd
    Windows software : GlobeTrotter Connect
    MAC software : GlobeTrotter Connect for MAC

+ GlobeTrotter Express HSUPA W

18/03/2013 uCan Connect Standard for MAC

For MAC OSX 10.5, 10.6 and 10.7

15/03/2013 uCan Connect Standard for Windows

For Windows XP 32 bit (SP3 recomended), Windows Vista 32 & 64 bit (SP2 recommended) and Windows 7 32 & 64 bit

05/03/2013 GlobeTrotter Express HSUPA firmware and software upgrader

The GlobeTrotter Express HSUPA device will be updated to :
    Firmware 2.12.3Hd
    Windows software : GlobeTrotter Connect
    MAC software : GlobeTrotter Connect for MAC

04/01/2013 uCAN® Connect Standard for MAC OSX

uCAN® Connect Standard software for Apple Mac OS X 10.7, OS X 10.6 (64-bit; recommended version 10.6.4), Apple Mac OS X 10.6 (32-bit; recommended version 10.6.4) and Apple Mac OS X 10.5 (recommended version 10.5.8)


+ GlobeTrotter Fusion

+ GlobeTrotter Fusion + 3G/EDGE (EMEA)

+ GlobeTrotter Fusion + HSDPA (EMEA)

+ GlobeTrotter Fusion Quad

+ GlobeTrotter GT MAX 7.2 Ready E

11/04/2013 GlobeTrotter GT Max 7.2 firmware and software updater

GlobeTrotter GT Max 7.2 will be updated to:
Firmware 2.5.11
GlobeTrotter Connect for Windows
GlobeTrotter Connect for MAC

18/03/2013 uCan Connect Standard for MAC

For MAC OSX 10.5, 10.6 and 10.7

15/03/2013 uCan Connect Standard for Windows

For Windows XP 32 bit (SP3 recomended), Windows Vista 32 & 64 bit (SP2 recommended) and Windows 7 32 & 64 bit

+ GlobeTrotter GT MAX 7.2 Ready W

11/04/2013 GlobeTrotter GT Max 7.2 firmware and software updater

GlobeTrotter GT Max 7.2 will be updated to:
Firmware 2.5.11
GlobeTrotter Connect for Windows
GlobeTrotter Connect for MAC

18/03/2013 uCan Connect Standard for MAC

For MAC OSX 10.5, 10.6 and 10.7

15/03/2013 uCan Connect Standard for Windows

For Windows XP 32 bit (SP3 recomended), Windows Vista 32 & 64 bit (SP2 recommended) and Windows 7 32 & 64 bit

+ GlobeTrotter GT MAX E

+ GlobeTrotter GT MAX HSUPA E

11/04/2013 Firmware and software updater for GlobeTrotter Max HSUPA

The GlobeTrotter GT Max HSUPA device will be updated to :
Firmware 2.12.3Hd
Windows software to GlobeTrotter Connect
MAC software to GlobeTrotter Connect for MAC

18/03/2013 uCan Connect Standard for MAC

For MAC OSX 10.5, 10.6 and 10.7

15/03/2013 uCan Connect Standard for Windows

For Windows XP 32 bit (SP3 recomended), Windows Vista 32 & 64 bit (SP2 recommended) and Windows 7 32 & 64 bit

+ GlobeTrotter GT MAX HSUPA W

11/04/2013 Firmware and software updater for GlobeTrotter Max HSUPA

The GlobeTrotter GT Max HSUPA device will be updated to :
Firmware 2.12.3Hd
Windows software to GlobeTrotter Connect
MAC software to GlobeTrotter Connect for MAC

18/03/2013 uCan Connect Standard for MAC

For MAC OSX 10.5, 10.6 and 10.7

15/03/2013 uCan Connect Standard for Windows

For Windows XP 32 bit (SP3 recomended), Windows Vista 32 & 64 bit (SP2 recommended) and Windows 7 32 & 64 bit

+ GlobeTrotter HSDPA

+ GlobeTrotter HSDPA 7.2 Ready E

11/04/2013 GlobeTrotter GT Max 7.2 firmware and software updater

GlobeTrotter GT Max 7.2 will be updated to:
Firmware 2.5.11
GlobeTrotter Connect for Windows
GlobeTrotter Connect for MAC

+ Gobi 1000

+ Gobi 2000

+ GTM378 E

+ GTM378 EL

+ GTM378 JD

+ GTM378 W

+ GTM380 E

05/03/2013 GlobeTrotter Connect for modules

Connection software for Windows 2000, XP and Vista

+ GTM382 AWS

26/01/2013 Windows 7 driver

Supports Windows 7 only: - NDIS connection mode: Mobile Broadband - GPS mode: legacy + Sensor and Location Platform
No support for Windows 2K / Windows XP / Windows Vista

+ GTM382 E

26/01/2013 Windows 7 driver

Supports Windows 7 only: - NDIS connection mode: Mobile Broadband - GPS mode: legacy + Sensor and Location Platform
No support for Windows 2K / Windows XP / Windows Vista

+ GTM382 W

26/01/2013 Windows 7 driver

Supports Windows 7 only: - NDIS connection mode: Mobile Broadband - GPS mode: legacy + Sensor and Location Platform
No support for Windows 2K / Windows XP / Windows Vista

+ GTM501

+ GTM601W/GTM609W

16/05/2013 GPS AT command spec
16/05/2013 AT command spec
03/05/2013 Linux driver 1.10.0

Supports Linux kernel versions 2.6.27 to 3.2

26/01/2013 Windows 7 driver

Supports Windows 7 only: - NDIS connection mode: Mobile Broadband - GPS mode: legacy + Sensor and Location Platform
No support for Windows 2K / Windows XP / Windows Vista

16/01/2013 Windows driver

Windows 7 support: - NDIS connection mode : legacy - GPS mode : legacy
Supports Windows 2K / Windows XP / Windows Vista and Windows 7

+ GTM661W

16/05/2013 GPS AT command spec
16/05/2013 AT command spec
03/05/2013 Linux driver 1.10.0

Supports Linux kernel versions 2.6.27 to 3.2

26/01/2013 Windows 7 driver

Supports Windows 7 only: - NDIS connection mode: Mobile Broadband - GPS mode: legacy + Sensor and Location Platform
No support for Windows 2K / Windows XP / Windows Vista

16/01/2013 Windows driver

Windows 7 support: - NDIS connection mode : legacy - GPS mode : legacy
Supports Windows 2K / Windows XP / Windows Vista and Windows 7

+ GTM671W/GTM679W

16/05/2013 GPS AT command spec
16/05/2013 AT command spec
03/05/2013 Linux driver 1.10.0

Supports Linux kernel versions 2.6.27 to 3.2

26/01/2013 Windows 7 driver

Supports Windows 7 only: - NDIS connection mode: Mobile Broadband - GPS mode: legacy + Sensor and Location Platform
No support for Windows 2K / Windows XP / Windows Vista

16/01/2013 Windows driver

Windows 7 support: - NDIS connection mode : legacy - GPS mode : legacy
Supports Windows 2K / Windows XP / Windows Vista and Windows 7

+ GTM681W/GTM689W

03/05/2013 Windows driver

Supports Windows 2K / Windows XP / Windows Vista and Windows 7

03/05/2013 Linux driver 1.10.0

Supports Linux kernel versions 2.6.27 to 3.2

+ GTM809U

+ iCON 210

+ iCON 225

25/01/2013 Mac Driver 2.18.0
07/06/2013 iCON 225 Superfire firmware upgrader

This upgrader will upgrade the iCON 225 to firmware version 2.5.24
Note: This flasher can only upgrade Option standard iCON 225 devices. 

18/03/2013 uCan Connect Standard for MAC

For MAC OSX 10.5, 10.6 and 10.7

15/03/2013 uCan Connect Standard for Windows

For Windows XP 32 bit (SP3 recomended), Windows Vista 32 & 64 bit (SP2 recommended) and Windows 7 32 & 64 bit

+ iCON 315

25/01/2013 Mac Driver 3.33.0
04/01/2013 Driver package

Windows 7 Legacy Mode certified drivers.

Note: For use in 5.0.x.x driver upgrade only (e.g. GlobeTrotter Connect). Driver is used in Legacy Mode only. Mobile Broadband features is not supported

+ iCON 322

11/04/2013 GlobeTrotter Connect 3.0 for Windows

GlobeTrotter Connect 3.0 for Windows 2000, XP and Vista

11/04/2013 GlobeTrotter Connect for MAC

GlobeTrotter Connect for MAX OSX 10.3, 10.4, 10.5

18/03/2013 uCan Connect Standard for MAC

For MAC OSX 10.5, 10.6 and 10.7

15/03/2013 uCan Connect Standard for Windows

For Windows XP 32 bit (SP3 recomended), Windows Vista 32 & 64 bit (SP2 recommended) and Windows 7 32 & 64 bit

+ iCON 401

25/01/2013 Mac Driver 3.33.0
20/03/2013 iCON 401 firmware upgrader

Firmware upgrader to version 2.12.0
This upgrader is designed for Option standard device only. For devices purchased through a network operator, please contact your operator for assistance.

18/03/2013 uCan Connect Standard for MAC

For MAC OSX 10.5, 10.6 and 10.7

15/03/2013 uCan Connect Standard for Windows

For Windows XP 32 bit (SP3 recomended), Windows Vista 32 & 64 bit (SP2 recommended) and Windows 7 32 & 64 bit

04/01/2013 Driver package

Windows 7 Legacy Mode certified drivers.

Note: For use in 5.0.x.x driver upgrade only (e.g. GlobeTrotter Connect). Driver is used in Legacy Mode only. Mobile Broadband features is not supported

+ iCON 431

25/01/2013 Mac Driver 3.33.0
20/03/2013 GlobeTrotter Connect for MAC OSX Version 3.1.78

Supports up to MAC OSX 10.6

20/03/2013 iCON 431 firmware and software upgrader

Upgrade firmware to version 2.12.0Hd and software to GlobeTrotter Connect for Windows and 3.1.19 for MAC OSX
This upgrader is designed for Option standard device only. For devices purchased through a network operator, please contact your operator for assistance.

04/01/2013 Driver package

Windows 7 Legacy Mode certified drivers.

Note: For use in 5.0.x.x driver upgrade only (e.g. GlobeTrotter Connect). Driver is used in Legacy Mode only. Mobile Broadband features is not supported

04/01/2013 uCAN® Connect Standard for MAC OSX

uCAN® Connect Standard software for Apple Mac OS X 10.7, OS X 10.6 (64-bit; recommended version 10.6.4), Apple Mac OS X 10.6 (32-bit; recommended version 10.6.4) and Apple Mac OS X 10.5 (recommended version 10.5.8)


04/01/2013 uCAN® Connect Standard for Windows

uCAN® Connect software for Windows XP 32bit (SP3 recommended), Windows Vista 32 & 64bit (SP2 recommended) and Windows 7 32 & 64 bit

+ iCON 451

25/01/2013 Mac Driver 3.33.0
20/03/2013 GlobeTrotter Connect for MAC OSX Version 3.1.78

Supports up to MAC OSX 10.6

20/03/2013 iCON 451/452 GlobeTrotter Connect for Windows

Connection software for Windows XP, Vista, and 7 (Legacy mode only)

20/03/2013 iCON 451/452 firmware and software upgrader

Upgrade firmware to version 2.12.0Hd and software to GlobeTrotter Connect for Windows and 3.1.78 for MAC OSX
This upgrader is designed for Option standard device only. For devices purchased through a network operator, please contact your operator for assistance.

04/01/2013 Driver package

Windows 7 Legacy Mode certified drivers.

Note: For use in 5.0.x.x driver upgrade only (e.g. GlobeTrotter Connect). Driver is used in Legacy Mode only. Mobile Broadband features is not supported

04/01/2013 uCAN® Connect Standard for MAC OSX

uCAN® Connect Standard software for Apple Mac OS X 10.7, OS X 10.6 (64-bit; recommended version 10.6.4), Apple Mac OS X 10.6 (32-bit; recommended version 10.6.4) and Apple Mac OS X 10.5 (recommended version 10.5.8)


04/01/2013 uCAN® Connect Standard for Windows

uCAN® Connect software for Windows XP 32bit (SP3 recommended), Windows Vista 32 & 64bit (SP2 recommended) and Windows 7 32 & 64 bit

+ iCON 452

25/01/2013 Mac Driver 3.33.0
20/03/2013 GlobeTrotter Connect for MAC OSX Version 3.1.78

Supports up to MAC OSX 10.6

20/03/2013 iCON 451/452 GlobeTrotter Connect for Windows

Connection software for Windows XP, Vista, and 7 (Legacy mode only)

20/03/2013 iCON 451/452 firmware and software upgrader

Upgrade firmware to version 2.12.0Hd and software to GlobeTrotter Connect for Windows and 3.1.78 for MAC OSX
This upgrader is designed for Option standard device only. For devices purchased through a network operator, please contact your operator for assistance.

04/01/2013 Driver package

Windows 7 Legacy Mode certified drivers.

Note: For use in 5.0.x.x driver upgrade only (e.g. GlobeTrotter Connect). Driver is used in Legacy Mode only. Mobile Broadband features is not supported

04/01/2013 uCAN® Connect Standard for MAC OSX

uCAN® Connect Standard software for Apple Mac OS X 10.7, OS X 10.6 (64-bit; recommended version 10.6.4), Apple Mac OS X 10.6 (32-bit; recommended version 10.6.4) and Apple Mac OS X 10.5 (recommended version 10.5.8)


04/01/2013 uCAN® Connect Standard for Windows

uCAN® Connect software for Windows XP 32bit (SP3 recommended), Windows Vista 32 & 64bit (SP2 recommended) and Windows 7 32 & 64 bit

+ iCON 461

20/03/2013 iCON 461 GPS control panel for Windows

Enables the user to activate or deactivate the GPS port

20/03/2013 iCON 461 GPS control panel for MAC

Enables the user to activate or deactivate the GPS port

04/01/2013 Driver package

Windows 7 Legacy Mode certified drivers.

Note: For use in 5.0.x.x driver upgrade only (e.g. GlobeTrotter Connect). Driver is used in Legacy Mode only. Mobile Broadband features is not supported

04/01/2013 uCAN® Connect Standard for MAC OSX

uCAN® Connect Standard software for Apple Mac OS X 10.7, OS X 10.6 (64-bit; recommended version 10.6.4), Apple Mac OS X 10.6 (32-bit; recommended version 10.6.4) and Apple Mac OS X 10.5 (recommended version 10.5.8)


04/01/2013 uCAN® Connect Standard for Windows

uCAN® Connect software for Windows XP 32bit (SP3 recommended), Windows Vista 32 & 64bit (SP2 recommended) and Windows 7 32 & 64 bit

+ iCON 505

25/01/2013 Mac Driver 3.33.0
11/04/2013 GlobeTrotter Connect 3.1 (for MAC)

GlobeTrotter Connect 3.1 for MAC OSX 10.5, 10.6

11/04/2013 GlobeTrotter Connect 3.1 (for Windows)

GlobeTrotter Connect 3.1 for Windows 2000, XP and Vista

20/03/2013 iCON 505 firmware and software upgrader

Upgrade frimware to version 3.19.0 (HSDPA category to 14.4 mbps) and software to uCan Connect version

04/01/2013 uCAN® Connect Standard for MAC OSX

uCAN® Connect Standard software for Apple Mac OS X 10.7, OS X 10.6 (64-bit; recommended version 10.6.4), Apple Mac OS X 10.6 (32-bit; recommended version 10.6.4) and Apple Mac OS X 10.5 (recommended version 10.5.8)


04/01/2013 uCAN® Connect Standard for Windows

uCAN® Connect software for Windows XP 32bit (SP3 recommended), Windows Vista 32 & 64bit (SP2 recommended) and Windows 7 32 & 64 bit

+ iCON 505 M

25/01/2013 Mac Driver 3.33.0
11/04/2013 GlobeTrotter Connect 3.1 (for MAC)

GlobeTrotter Connect 3.1 for MAC OSX 10.5, 10.6

11/04/2013 GlobeTrotter Connect 3.1 (for Windows)

GlobeTrotter Connect 3.1 for Windows 2000, XP and Vista

04/01/2013 Driver package

Windows 7 Legacy Mode certified drivers.

Note: For use in 5.0.x.x driver upgrade only (e.g. GlobeTrotter Connect). Driver is used in Legacy Mode only. Mobile Broadband features is not supported

04/01/2013 uCAN® Connect Standard for MAC OSX

uCAN® Connect Standard software for Apple Mac OS X 10.7, OS X 10.6 (64-bit; recommended version 10.6.4), Apple Mac OS X 10.6 (32-bit; recommended version 10.6.4) and Apple Mac OS X 10.5 (recommended version 10.5.8)


04/01/2013 uCAN® Connect Standard for Windows

uCAN® Connect software for Windows XP 32bit (SP3 recommended), Windows Vista 32 & 64bit (SP2 recommended) and Windows 7 32 & 64 bit

+ iCON 711

12/03/2013 How to use the iCON 711 in Linux

The download contains a document on how to use the iCON 711 in Linux.

12/03/2013 iCON 711 Datasheet


04/01/2013 Driver installer package

This driver installer can only be used in Windows 7 Mobile Broadband mode. After installation, connection of the Option device can be made through Windows Mobile Broadband instead of using Option connection managers.

Important note: This driver CANNOT be installed on any other Microsoft OS than on the Windows 7.
If you already have installed the GlobeTrotter Connect, this driver package CANNOT be installed on top. This will create a driver conflict.

04/01/2013 Driver package

Windows 7 Legacy Mode certified drivers.

Note: For use in 5.0.x.x driver upgrade only (e.g. GlobeTrotter Connect). Driver is used in Legacy Mode only. Mobile Broadband features is not supported

04/01/2013 uCAN® Connect Standard for MAC OSX

uCAN® Connect Standard software for Apple Mac OS X 10.7, OS X 10.6 (64-bit; recommended version 10.6.4), Apple Mac OS X 10.6 (32-bit; recommended version 10.6.4) and Apple Mac OS X 10.5 (recommended version 10.5.8)


04/01/2013 uCAN® Connect Standard for Windows

uCAN® Connect software for Windows XP 32bit (SP3 recommended), Windows Vista 32 & 64bit (SP2 recommended) and Windows 7 32 & 64 bit

19/03/2013 iCON XY datasheet


+ uCAN Connect Premium 3.0

+ VIU2

04/01/2013 How to add your APN to VIU²

How to manually add an APN or disable the PIN code of your SIM card

04/01/2013 VIU² FAQ 1.1 in PDF format

Frequently Asked Questions and answers

04/01/2013 VIU² Quick Start Guide

Quick and easy set up (also details LED status indicators)

04/01/2013 VIU² Datasheet


+ XYFI Power Extensions

08/07/2013 FAQ on XYFI Power Extensions in PDF format

Frequently Asked Questions and answers

+ Governance statement

Corporate Governance Statement (NL)

Download here





+ Board of directors

The articles of association stipulate that the Board of Directors is composed of a minimum of three and a maximum of nine members, who are appointed by the general shareholders meeting for a maximum period of six years. The Board of Directors has to contain at least three independent directors.

The Board of Directors is currently composed of four members, namely: Eric Van Zele (Chairman of the Board of Directors), Raju Dandu,  Martine Reynaers and Paul Matthijs.

Eric Van Zele

Mr. Eric Van Zele currently serves as Chairman of Reynaers Aluminium and Crescent NV. He was recently appointed chairman of the E17 network of hospitals and of the Hermes decision committee of The Flemish agency for Innovation and entrepreneurship. He continues to serve as a director of Barco NV. Prior to his current mandates Eric served as president and CEO of Barco NV in Kortrijk from 2009 thru 2016. He served as CEO of Pauwels International (from 2004 thru 2008) and of Telindus nv (2000 thru 2003). Prior to that, he served as Vice President of Raychem Corporation in Menlo park, CA, USA and as Managing Director of Raychem nv in Leuven, Belgium. (1972 thru 1999). He was nominated “Manager of the Year in 2012” and “ICT Personality of 2013”. Eric holds a masters degree in electrical and mechanical engineering from the KUL in Leuven (1972) and postgraduate degrees in management from Stanford University (1992 CA, USA).


Raju Dandu

Mr. Raju S. Dandu is the Founder-Chairman of Danlaw Inc. USA. He is also the Managing Director of Danlaw Technologies India Ltd. He is responsible for strategic planning and corporate management of both companies. Prior to founding Danlaw Inc., he held positions at the University of Iowa hospitals, Ford Motor Company, Dana Corporation and worked as an independent consultant at General Motors.  He holds a bachelors’ degree in electronics engineering from Kakinada, India, a masters in electronics from University of Iowa and an MBA from University of Detroit.


Martine Reynaers

In 1980, Martine started her career as Financial Analyst of Technicon in Paris, a subsidiary of the
American Revlon Group.
In 1982, she was appointed Financial Manager of Wexal International Ltd, an aluminium extrusion
company in Enniscorthy, Ireland.
In 1983, she moved to the Reynaers headquarters in Belgium, where she took up the position of
Financial Manager. From 1986 onwards, Martine has been the Managing Director of Reynaers until
June 2021 when she will retire from this position and take on the role of Chair of the Board.


Paul Matthijs

Next to holding several non-executive advisory positions, Paul Matthijs is COO of Vlerick Business School.  Prior to this, Paul Matthijs  was  CEO of Niko until 2019 and held several senior executive positions in R&D, product management and general management in the Medical Imaging and Entertainment division and the Retail and Advertising Venture of Barco. Mr. Matthijs' career at Barco spanned over 30 years.  He holds a Master’s degree in Electronic Engineering and an MBA from the Vlerick Business School.







+ Analyst Coverage

Guy Sips
Equity Analyst
KBC Securities
E-mail: guy.sips@kbcsecurities.be
Havenlaan 12 SMK 8374, B-1080 Brussels

Gert De Mesure
Vlaamse Federatie van Beleggingsclubs en Beleggers
E-mail: gert.de.mesure@skynet.be
Langestraat 221, B-2240 Zandhoven


+ Stock Quotes

Information about the Option share price can be found on several websites:


We welcome spontaneous applications.

Apply via recruitment@option.com.